Prodige - Pathfinder project 2022 / 2024

Taking into account the needs of potential users and functional representations of landscape elements in the design of a biodiversity indicator for agricultural landscape

Numerous studies show the central role played by agricultural systems in the collapse of biodiversity. Assessing the performance of farming systems with respect to biodiversity conservation is an essential step in supporting their agro-ecological transition.

However, predictive biodiversity indicators are scarce, particularly at landscape level. Yet the landscape is the most appropriate level of ecological organization for assessing the impact of agricultural systems on biodiversity.


photo de prairie
© Weber

In a first step, the needs of potential users of these biodiversity indicators will be analyzed. Then, PRODIGE will assess the extent to which taking account of landscape elements (crops, semi-natural habitats, etc.) in both quantitative (e.g. number of crops, percentage of semi-natural habitats) and qualitative terms, will enable us to design more accurate biodiversity indicators tailored to users' needs. The qualitative approach will be based on a functional approach integrating agricultural practices. This project will take up the major challenge of bridging the gap between levels of ecological organization and levels of social organization.


A characterization of the profiles of potential users, their approaches to biodiversity assessment in their activity and their needs and expectations with regard to such indicators will be carried out through diagnostics of usage situations. This will be carried out at both national and territorial level, using the usability analysis framework, which will be applied to the Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne area, in the PYGAR Workshop Zone. The mobilization of ecological concepts and agronomic knowledge will make it possible to characterize the functional diversity of landscape elements and crops, and to measure their effect on biodiversity on the basis of a large pre-existing dataset. Finally, the integration of this knowledge into a predictive indicator of impacts on biodiversity will be tested.

INRAE research structures

External partnership


Contacts - coordination :

Modification date: 12 July 2024 | Publication date: 28 August 2023 | By: Com