By scale approach

By scale approach

Browse current or completed projects by size of study object.


  • BECO - Bees and consultation. Reconciling beekeeping, agriculture and biodiversity: floral resources seen as a common good to be managed collectively
  • Biodilutique - Biodiversity, dilution effect and tick-borne diseases: analysis of the relationship between prevalence of pathogens, tick and host diversities along a landscape gradient
  • CONTICOMIC -Assessment of the scientific challenges to better understand the role of the soil-water continuum in maintaining functional microbial biodiversity in agroecosystems
  • ISO SGDC - Relationship between taxonomic and genetic diversity of aquatic plants in lakes of the Atlantic coast
  • PRABIES - How livestock farming practices 'transform' grassland biodiversity into bundles of ecosystem services
  • SICCCUB - Monitoring the impact of climate change and land use change on biodiversity and the functioning of mountain ecosystems
  • SPABIO - Dynamic spatialized bioeconomy of biological invasions: proof of concept for the management of Ludwigia sp. in Brière
  • PASTOFUTUR - Analysing pastoral livestock farming through its multifunctionality and associated ecosystem services to strengthen public action
  • Ampli Gamma - Landscape planning and gamma multi-diversity
  • PARMENIDE - Rural agricultural mosaic landscapes and novel indicators of ecoacoustic diversity
  • SEINARIOS - Prospects for biodiversity in the Seine drainage basin in the face of global change and connectivity constraints - SEINARIOS
  • Réseau de service écosystémique en camargue


  • ADORE - Tools for restoring biodiversity on farms: application of a results-based approach - ADORE
  • BIOC@PT - Automatic Forest Biodiversity Sensors
  • PRABIES - How livestock farming practices 'transform' grassland biodiversity into bundles of ecosystem services
  • WATERSEED - The role of water in the spatial structuring of plant biodiversity in wine-growing agrosystems
  • EcosystemiX - Mixing species to produce ecosystem services: co-design of an integration and knowledge sharing tool mobilizing the concepts of functional ecology
  • Prairies MC-CC - Functional response of grasslands in the Massif-Central to climate change: identifying the role of biodiversity in the short, medium and long term
  • SynBioToxSynchronisms and antagonisms in the relations between agricultural environment, biodiversity, and ecological functions in an agricultural constructed wetland - SynBioTox
  • Microplastique - Ecotoxicological effects and ecological consequences of microplastics on soil functioning - Microplastics
  • TRAMETE 2 - Contribution of the network of old-growth forest elements to the conservation of habitats and species
  • IFOSSA - Distribution of interaction networks and functions in a spatially heterogeneous system, case of agroforestry