Interaction networks

Interaction networks

Biosefair will focus on the study of interfaces between ecosystems, interactions between species and that between ecosystem services, and the study of the conflicts and synergies between activities and between stakeholders. The spatial diversity and range of practices among stakeholders are at the heart of this issue.

In this folder

Seine au couché du soleil - © H. Lagrange - Pixabay

In the face of global change, one of the major challenges for contemporary societies will be the preservation of biodiversity. In this context, it is necessary to identify the most vulnerable areas, especially within drainage basins and their river networks, very sensitive to these pressures. In order to inform public policy and help prioritize decision-making, it has become essential to better understand the consequences of management decisions and climate change scenarios on future biodiversity, which necessitates the study of projections (i.e. simulations) based on species models.

une zone tampon humide artificielle © Cédric CHAUMONT (UR HYCAR – INRAE)

Some of the agricultural contaminants (pesticides, nitrogen) spread on cultivated soils reach the hydrosphere through agricultural drainage (1) with proven consequences on aquatic ecosystems and their functions. Constructed wetlands are designed to break down nitrates and certain pesticides through natural purification features. Nevertheless, they constitute potential reservoirs of contaminants likely to impact the wild species they shelter by acting as ecological traps.

Lac envahi par de la Jussie

The management of invasive alien species (IAS) is a complex problem requiring interdisciplinary approaches that combine ecology and economics. Bio-economic decision-making tools are still underdeveloped.

Photo d'oiseau

Analyse the role of black woodpecker cavities in the conservation of forest species.

Canton d'Aurignac - ZA eLTER Pyrénées Garonne © Luc Barbaro

Hearing the biodiversity of mosaic rural landscapes thro.ugh passive ecoacoustic sampling

test légende © Aurélien Jamoneau

Biodiversity is the baseline of all ecosystem services and thus represents an essential supporting service.aujourd’hui fortement menacée. Améliorer la connaissance génétique des communautés les composant fournira un support permettant d'améliorer leur gestion.

© Lucile Garçon

Pastoralism is subject of diverse societal expectations that combines the production of food and the control of ecological dynamics contributing to the sustainability of social-ecological systems in Mediterranean regions.

Agroforestry, broadly defined as the presence of trees in agricultural landscapes, is an example of mixed farming that increases "planned biodiversity".

Émergence des graines contenues dans des échantillons de sols viticoles méditerranéens

Studying the dynamics of plant biodiversity, from its emergence to its dispersal by water.

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