
The BIOSEFAIR metaprogramme is a continuation of the interdisciplinary programme ECOSERV

An alarming observation : rapidly declining state of biodiversity and ecosystem services

The IPBES has sounded the alarm bell about the rapidly declining state of biodiversity and ecosystem services throughout the world. In addition to the loss of ecological diversity, dwindling biodiversity is also threatening many human activities. In 2019, the FAO issued a similar warning about the threat to activities as vital as agrifood systems. In light of these major challenges, the metaprogramme Biosefair, one of the multidisciplinary research programmes INRAE has put into place, seeks to mobilise research and a range of perspectives and disciplines (including agricultural, environmental, human and social sciences).

The metaprogramme ECOSERV and Strategic Scientific Areas « Biodiversity » of Irstea


Launched in 2014, the EcoServ metaprogramme focused on managing the services provided by agro-ecosystems and addressing the issue of trade-offs between services. It has favoured a holistic approach, relying on interdisciplinary and inter-institutional partnerships to ensure that trade-offs are the result of collective reflection and explicit choices. Spatial and temporal variables were addressed with a view to identifying different trade-off scales and taking account of ecosystem dynamics and resilience. ECOSERV published a position paper entitled "A socio-ecological approach to the management of multiple agro-ecosystem services".

The results of ECOSERV and the creation in 2020 of the new INRAE institute (bringing together INRA and Irstea) led to the creation of the BIOSEFAIR metaprogramme, which adds the dimension of biodiversity in all its components and no longer sees biodiversity solely as a source of functions providing services to agricultural production.

The BIOSEFAIR metaprogramme mobilizes interdisciplinary research

In light of these major challenges, the metaprogramme Biosefair - Promote biodiversity and strengthen ecosystem service networks -one of the multidisciplinary research programmes INRAE has put into place, seeks to mobilise research and a range of perspectives and disciplines (including agricultural, environmental, human and social sciences), in order to:

  • conserve and restore biodiversity, be it “domestic”, “emblematic” or “ordinary”, for its intrinsic value and as a support for ecosystem services;
  • sustainably manage ecosystem service networks (services related to provisions, regulations, and crops) and the ecosystem functions they rely on.

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