Global health

Global health

The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown into relief the societal stakes surrounding the links between health in a broad sense, and the state of ecosystems. The concept of “global health” attempts to establish links between biodiversity, the functioning of ecosystems, the health of organisms that make up those ecosystems, and human health. For Biosefair, this is a promising research frontier. The metaprogramme proposes to bring together diverse research bodies (animal and plant health, ecotoxicology, quality of products, biodiversity, ecosystem services, etc.) with different activities and knowledge-sharing to build conceptual frameworks and research approaches.

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Ixodes ricinus sur épi @bernard Chauvet

Numerous studies have demonstrated the role of landscape features on the biodiversity of agro-ecosystems and notably on tick abundance and Borrelia (the agent of Lyme disease) prevalence.

une zone tampon humide artificielle © Cédric CHAUMONT (UR HYCAR – INRAE)

Some of the agricultural contaminants (pesticides, nitrogen) spread on cultivated soils reach the hydrosphere through agricultural drainage (1) with proven consequences on aquatic ecosystems and their functions. Constructed wetlands are designed to break down nitrates and certain pesticides through natural purification features. Nevertheless, they constitute potential reservoirs of contaminants likely to impact the wild species they shelter by acting as ecological traps.

© Stéphane Breuil, INRAE ECOSYS

The increasing use of various kinds of plastics leads to the accumulation and long-term storage of microplastics (MP) in soils. There is a growing scientific literature linking the presence of MP and the consequences for soil organisms that perform essential ecological functions. However, for the most part, these are ecotoxicological approaches through effects on certain organisms studied separately (microorganisms, micro-, macrofauna and plants), without addressing ecotoxicity issues. Moreover, in agricultural soils, the presence of MP may be due to inputs via amendments with organic matrices and their impact on the biological functioning of soils is then little documented.