

Monitoring of subjects related to the metaprogramme is carried out on an ongoing basis. The most relevant information is then distributed via the Biosefair newsletter.

Why the Biosefair LETTER?

The aim of this newsletter is to build up collective knowledge to support decision-making and the scientific production process (research questions, setting up pathfinder projects, publications, setting up and winning calls for projects, etc.).

The aim is to be able to feed enriched collective thinking within the management team and the COPIL, as well as within your projects.

What is included in the Biosefair LETTER and how often?

The Biosefair watch consists of monitoring a range of sites to identify new projects, internal calls for projects from institutes, universities, etc. or their results, announcements of thesis offers, post-doctorates, conferences, etc.

We also highlight the results of supported projects and announce the scientific events taking place under the metaprogramme. 

6 letters a year are sent to subscribers.

To subscribe

Modification date: 11 June 2024 | Publication date: 22 June 2022 | By: Com