Scientists INRAE

Scientists INRAE

The BIOSEFAIR metaprogramme, like the other INRAE metaprogrammes, is open to all scientists working in an INRAE unit (UR, UE, UMR, USC...), regardless of their employer. These scientists can participate in events and get involved in the different actions of the metaprogramme, either as a project leader or partner.

The overall goal of the metaprogramme is to create an interdisciplinary scientific community and a research dynamic around IOSEFAIR thematics. As such, BIOSEFAIR organises scientific events (seminars, webinars, training courses, etc.) and launches calls for projects to finance different types of actions such as consortia (or networks), pathfinder projects, flagship project and cofunded thesis.


  • Most events of the events of the BIOSEFAIR metaprogramme are intended for the INRAE community.
  • Metaprogramme funding is exclusively intended for scientists from INRAE units (research unit, experimental unit, joint research unit, contract-based research unit, etc.), regardless of their employer.
  • If you are not part of an INRAE unit, you can participate as a partner, but you will not be eligible for funding. See the Academic partners or External Partners.

Funded actions

  • Interdisciplinary consortia (or networks). Goal: facilitate interactions between scientists in the field of the metaprogramme. Consortia must involve scientists from at least two INRAE divisions and have one or more clearly identified deliverables contributing to the progress of BIOSEFAIR's scientific priorities: incubation of an ambitious project, writing of a reference article, organisation and realisation of a scientific event…
    Maximum duration 18 months; capped at €10k.
  • Pathfinder projects. Goal: initiate interdisciplinary, original and innovative work on the priorities and scientific fronts of the metaprogramme. Depending on the call, these projects may concern all or only certain axes, and must involve participants from at least two different units 
    Maximum duration two years; capped at €50k. Submission in two phases: letter of intent followed by full project.
  • Flagship projects. Goal: co-construct with the Steering Committee an ambitious interdisciplinary project which must:
    • be structuring in terms of the scientific community within the institute (multi-unit, multi-department, presence of academic and/or socio-economic partners)
    • make a strong contribution to advancing the scientific priorities of the metaprogramme
    • have an international strategy and scope

Duration: > two years. Capped at €300k. Submission in several phases, to be decided with the Steering Committee.

  • Cofunded thesis. Goal: co-finance interdisciplinary thesis topics on the themes of the metaprogramme.
    Two half scholarships/year. Co-financing to be found outside INRAE by the applicant.

Frequency of calls for projects

  • Calls for expressions of interest for consortia or exploratory projects take place every year or every two years.
  • Thesis grants must be submited each year in September. Theses start between September and December of the following year.
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