Métaprogramme Biosefair
Pathfinder projects

Pathfinder projects

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marais : prairies de fauche séparées par un canal @inrae.fr
For several decades, changes in European agriculture, including both intensification and abandonment depending on the geographical context, have been partly responsible for a significant change in biodiversity, with bird populations particularly affected. The bird species most affected are those dependent on agricultural environments, with an overall loss of 48% in European numbers over the last 30 years. However few studies have quantified the decline or maintenance of this biodiversity in agricultural environments, depending on changes in cropping systems and the landscape context (the composition and configuration of the landscape).
composition photo papillons, prairie pâturée par des chevaux, buse variable perchée @Goudet, UEPAO, Beltramo
The erosion of biodiversity is no longer in doubt, with intensive agriculture highlighted as the primary factor in this decline. The preservation/restoration of biodiversity is a central issue for many stakeholders (naturalist associations, public authorities, agricultural players, etc.). Beyond the desire to act, a major question arises: how can we achieve ambitious biodiversity objectives when the issue of biodiversity conservation is not shared? What approaches, tools and knowledge do we need to develop to enable biodiversity to become an issue for all stakeholders in the agricultural supply chain, in the same way as food/feed production?
Numerous studies show the central role played by agricultural systems in the collapse of biodiversity. Assessing the performance of farming systems with respect to biodiversity conservation is an essential step in supporting their agro-ecological transition.
Agroforestry systems (AFS) are complex, diverse and sustainable agricultural systems combining trees with crops and/or pastures to improve the provision of ecosystem services.
Photo BIOFORDIV Boivin
The forest ecosystems of Occitanie (France) are located at a biogeographical crossroad between Atlantic and Mediterranean climatic influences, making them and their associated biodiversity particularly vulnerable to climate change and its functional consequences for biocenoses.
Lac envahi par de la Jussie
The management of invasive alien species (IAS) is a complex problem requiring interdisciplinary approaches that combine ecology and economics. Bio-economic decision-making tools are still underdeveloped.
Émergence des graines contenues dans des échantillons de sols viticoles méditerranéens
Studying the dynamics of plant biodiversity, from its emergence to its dispersal by water.
Photo d'oiseau
Analyse the role of black woodpecker cavities in the conservation of forest species.
Les prairies diversifiées sont potentiellement capables de mieux résister aux sécheresses et de mieux exploiter les pluies d’automne que des prairies pauvres en espèces
How to make grassland plant diversity an ally of breeders to adapt to an increasingly unfavorable climate and precipitation regime ?
  • 1 (current)

Modification date: 13 October 2023 | Publication date: 16 March 2022 | By: Com