Paysage avec cours d'eau
METAECOSERV - Consortium 2022 / 2023

The concept of metacommunities as a tool for understanding and managing ecosystem services in hydrosystems

Freshwater, biodiversity hotspots and major supports of ecosystem services, are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth.

Paysage avec cours d'eau
© @N. Bonada

Management measures for these ecosystems have traditionally been designed at local scales, without necessarily taking into account landscape variability in action plans, which has often limited the success of these measures. Today, our understanding of how biodiversity and ecosystem services are organized in these dynamic environments has progressed considerably, notably thanks to the emergence of the concepts of landscape ecology, metacommunities and the meta-systems paradigm, formalizing the processes and spatio-temporal dynamics of communities and ecosystems. These frameworks recognize that local (e.g. environmental filter, biotic interactions) and regional (e.g. dispersal, biogeographic context, material and energy flows) processes interact to determine the spatial organization of populations, communities and ecosystem processes in a given landscape. The meta-systemic framework has been conceptually applied for populations and communities and is beginning to be used for ecological processes and the conservation of biodiversity. However, the contribution of these concepts to the field of ecosystem services in aquatic environments has not yet been formalized, tested or translated into management tools.


This consortium aims to determine, adapt and test the contribution of meta-systems theory and its corollaries in the understanding and management of ecosystem services supported by hydrosystems. It proposes to extend the concept of metacommunities to all ecosystem services in order to better understand the links between biodiversity and ecosystem services and their spatio-temporal organization in landscapes. This work will make it possible to identify relevant spatial scales for managing hydrosystems in a context of global change. Indeed, better integration of regional ecological processes involved in the spatio-temporal organization of biodiversity in management practices will make it possible to effectively conserve and restore biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes in a changing global environment, particularly in the face of extreme events. (floods, droughts, storms) which recurrently alter the physical and ecological connectivity of hydrosystems.


METAECOSERV will be based (i) on an in-depth bibliographic review detailing in particular the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes, (ii) on a conceptual synthesis. This reflection will include the different facets of biodiversity, from the local scale (alpha) to the regional scale (gamma). Two working seminars will also make it possible to progress in thinking. This will involve: (i) identifying and analyzing previous efforts aimed at including biodiversity aspects in understanding ecosystem services in hydrosystems; (ii) question the contribution of the concept of metacommunities in this context, by exploring its variation according to the capacities and modes of dispersal of organisms; (iii) synthesize knowledge around biodiversity-ecosystem functions (BEF) links and their applications in hydrosystems; (iv) address these questions within the different compartments of hydrosystems (watershed heads, lakes and bodies of water, riparian and hyporheic zones, rivers, estuaries) and at their interfaces.

INRAE units involved

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Modification date: 19 October 2023 | Publication date: 13 May 2022 | By: Com