Canton d'Aurignac - ZA eLTER Pyrénées Garonne © Luc Barbaro
PARMENIDE - Pathfinder project 2022-2024

Rural agricultural mosaic landscapes and novel indicators of ecoacoustic diversity

Hearing the biodiversity of mosaic rural landscapes thro.ugh passive ecoacoustic sampling

Background and challenges

Canton d'Aurignac - ZA eLTER Pyrénées Garonne
© © Luc Barbaro

Temperate rural landscapes have undergone deep changes under the combined impacts of climate and land use changes. To better quantify the socio-ecological dynamics behind these changes, it is necessary to use integrative metrics that account for the complexity of the relationships between agricultural practices, landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity. The sound dimension of biodiversity has benefited from major conceptual and methodological advances with the emergence of landscape ecoacoustics and acoustic diversity indices making it possible to simultaneously quantify sounds from biological and anthropogenic origins. Here, we will test the hypothesis that the acoustic diversity of rural landscapes increases with the heterogeneity of composition and configuration of forest-farmland mosaics, while also being favoured by mixed crop-livestock systems tending towards extensification of management (organic farming and agro-ecological transition practices). In particular, we will analyze the effects of the amount and spatial distribution of permanent grasslands on the acoustic diversity of rural landscapes in a network of INRAE long-term study sites in France: ZA Pyrénées Garonne (Occitanie), Experimental Unit Saint Laurent de la Prée (Charente-Maritime) and ZA Armorique (Bretagne). All these sites also benefit from annual biodiversity monitoring, which will help to clarify the socio-ecological processes driving the acoustic diversity of rural landscapes.

INRAE units involved

External partnership

Contacts - Coordinator :

Modification date: 12 July 2024 | Publication date: 09 May 2022 | By: Com