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SPABIO - Pathfinder project 2022 / 2024

Dynamic spatialized bioeconomy of biological invasions: proof of concept for the management of Ludwigia sp. in Brière

The management of invasive alien species (IAS) is a complex problem requiring interdisciplinary approaches that combine ecology and economics. Bio-economic decision-making tools are still underdeveloped.

Background and challenges

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© © Alain Dutartre (Irstea)

Existing models suffer from a lack of ecological realism, from a high level of complexity that makes them hardly usable for applied management problems, and from a relative disconnection from the needs of environmental managers. In other words, although these models have all the ingredients needed for becoming decision-making tools, they remain mainly restricted to the academic sphere and their results have little impact on management.




To fill this gap, SPABIO builds on a transdisciplinary collaboration between ecologists, economists and wildlife managers in order to:

  1. develop a new class of ecologically-realistic, bio-economic models that are directly applicable to IAS management on the field,
  2. provide a proof of concept for these new tools using the case of water primrose in the Brière Regional Natural Park,
  3. prepare the application of the modelling framework to other IAS problems in various contexts.
Organisation de SPABIO. La tâche 1 consiste à co-construire les modèles bioéconomiques théoriques avec les gestionnaires. Les tâches 2 et 3 déclinent la preuve de l’applicabilité des modèles (preuve de concept) en prenant pour cas d’étude la jussie dans le PNR de Brière. La tâche 4 prépare les extensions des modèles à d’autres cadres d’application (prototypage) via des enquêtes auprès des gestionnaires à l’échelle nationale.


INRAE units involved

External partnerships

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Modification date: 12 July 2024 | Publication date: 05 July 2022 | By: Com