test légende © Aurélien Jamoneau
ISO SGDC - Exploratory project 2021 / 2023

Relationship between taxonomic and genetic diversity of aquatic plants in lakes of the Atlantic coast

Biodiversity is the baseline of all ecosystem services and thus represents an essential supporting service.aujourd’hui fortement menacée. Améliorer la connaissance génétique des communautés les composant fournira un support permettant d'améliorer leur gestion.

test légende © Aurélien Jamoneau

The lakes and ponds of the Aquitaine coastline are unique ecosystems at both the national and European levels. They host significant biological diversity, especially from a plant perspective, but are currently under severe threat. While the taxonomic diversity of these communities is well-known, the knowledge of their genetic diversity is currently non-existent. Improving this knowledge however appears essential for better management of these ecosystems, particularly for their endangered species.


In addition to propose concrete management directions, knowledge of the genetic diversity of these communities would allow studying its correlation with taxonomic diversity, referred in the literature as the 'SGDC' (species-genetic diversity correlations). The study of this relationship not only provides a better understanding of the functioning of the targeted communities and the processes patterning the assembly of their species but also enables to evaluate whether the taxonomic diversity typically used in conservation practices adequately considers the diversity at another biological scale. This is the objective of this research project jointly developed by two research units, each possessing strong expertise in one of the dimensions of this diversity.


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Modification date: 12 July 2024 | Publication date: 09 May 2022 | By: Com